Saturday, May 9, 2020

6 Keys to Finding Your New Job Faster - Sterling Career Concepts

6 Keys to Finding Your New Job Faster 6 Keys to Finding Your New Job Faster Most people don’t enjoy being in ‘job search mode.’ The added stress and element of the unknown complicates an already busy life. Remember, you only need one company to hire you. Instead of focusing your efforts on making dozens or hundreds of contacts with prospective employers, be selective and targeted. With that in mind, here are six keys to help you find your new job faster: 1. Create a schedule each day for your job search activities. Make a list each day of the activities you want to complete. However, if an interview or networking opportunity comes up, of course you will rearrange your schedule to fit it in! 2. Devote sufficient time to your job search. The more time and energy you devote to your job search, and the more aggressively you network, the faster your job search will proceed. If you are not currently working, commit yourself to a minimum of 40 hours per week devoted to your search campaign. If you are currently working, devote 15-20 hours per week at a minimum. 3. Get the support of a team to help you. You don’t have to go it alone in your job search. Ask your family and friends to support you. Join a job club. Use the services offered by your city, county, or state employment office. Contact your university alumni association. Hire a résumé writer and/or career coach. 4. Enlist an accountability partner. Recruit one person to support, encourage, and motivate you in your job search. This can be a friend, another job seeker, or a coach/counselor. (Choose someone who can be objective with you â€" and critical of your efforts â€" when they need to be. That role might be too difficult for a spouse/partner.) 5. It can be easier to get a job if you have a job (even if the job isn’t related to the job you want). Employers sometimes see hiring someone who is unemployed as “riskier” than hiring someone who is already working. 6. Consider relocation if you are having difficulty finding a job in your area. If you live in an area with high unemployment â€" especially in your industry â€" consider whether moving to another city, state, or region would improve your chances of getting hired. If you’d like assistance with any of the above, contact me to schedule job search coaching. Let’s do this!

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